In March 2016, Elliot Walker and Charlie Thompson opened the first branch of The Massage Company in Camberley. It was the culmination of many years’ development work and the physical representation of their dream to open the first Membership Based Massage Business outside North America.
Over a period of some years Elliot had seen the phenomenal rise of this new business sector during his business trips to the US. He saw the growth being achieved by the first US operator in the market who, over a period of 10 years, grew their business from 30 to 1100+ outlets, and was determined to bring this business model to the UK.
There was an opportunity to buy a Master Franchise of a number of operators in this sector, but it was clear to them that they would need to put a lot of work into adjusting the US model to the potential European market. They decided, therefore, to develop their own model from the ground up and the outlet in Camberley was the result.
They were determined to not only be the first Membership Based Massage Business in the UK, but that they would completely change the face of the UK massage industry.
The Business Model:
Their business would operate from purpose-built premises.
They would have highly trained massage therapists who would deliver a consistently high-quality service.
They would provide good value for money with massage treatments at a reasonable and affordable rate.
They would make it easier for massage to become a routine part of people’s lives rather than simply an irregular and often expensive ‘treat’.
They would provide their services from locations and at times that were convenient to their customers.
Their vision was simple: they would bring high-quality massage to the mainstream.
They wanted people to see that massage could become a vital and routine part of a better and balanced quality of life.
Above all else they were determined to make a difference to the nation’s health and well-being.
The Massage Company
Beskrivelse af koncept
Our Insight:
Traditionally, massage has been confined to two specific areas. Firstly therapeutic massage, which deals with sport and other injuries including rehabilitation after surgery or illness and secondly massage included within ‘pampering days’ alongside facials and other skincare and body treatments, but with a largely female clientele. The quality however can be frequently sub-standard and unless medically necessary or limited to a once-in-a-while expensive treat at a destination location, it’s hard to justify having it more frequently. The result? Only a few get the benefits of regular massage.
Our Market Positioning:
High-quality, good value massage that fits in with our customers’ lives. Through our formula, we are bringing massage to the mainstream and opening the massage market to both female and male customers.
Our Propostion:
Massage for life. Regular, high-quality massage can help improve mental and physical wellbeing and now become an essential part of a better and balanced life for both female and male customers.
Our Driving Vision:
To bring regular, high-quality massage to the mainstream, and to transform it from the occasional or a treat, to a rotuine and vital part of a better and balanced life.
How it works:
The Massage Company have developed a process to initially attract customers and subsequently recruit them into membership. Membership programmes have been long established in the Gym and Fitness Centre sector as a means to retain customers and promote the use of the facilities. A monthly membership fee entitles the client to one massage per month for a year and reduced fees on any additional massages. This promotes the benefits of regular massage and promotes customer retention.
Our strong Digital Recruitment Programme attracts new customers into our centres for a first-time treatment. New customers can easily book in for their first 50-minute massage for only £39.95 on the phone, online or in person. Our accessible, purpose built centres are open 7 days a week until 9pm or 10pm weekdays. Our therapists have all been trained through our Training Academy and therefore the standard and quality of our massages is/are consistently high. The result is very satisfied customers who are encouraged to return regularly as part of our membership programme.
What We Offer:
We offer four different types of massage:
Deep Tissue Massage
Sports Massage
Swedish Massage
Maternity MassageEach of our massages can be upgraded to further improve their effectiveness by adding hot stones, aromatherapy, a scalp massage or the “Fantastic Foot Treatment”, which is unique to The Massage Company.
Her søger vi
Oprindelsesland: England
Forretningsområde: Personlig pleje og service
Findes i følgende lande: England - etablering på vej i Holland og Sverige
Etableringsår: 2016
Antal kædeenheder total: 3
Antal kædeenheder i Danmark:
Antal kædeenheder i hjemland: 3
Det forventer vi os af dig:
By becoming a TMC Master Franchisee, we offer you:
* A proven business system with sales, marketing, training, supportive props and all aid tools and full operational systems, trialled and tested through company and franchises owned in the UK.
* Protected Industrial and Intellectual Property rights including the fully internationally certified TMC Training Academy.
* Full knowledge and support of experienced franchisor team from our HQ, set up, service portfolio, pricing strategy, products and other marketing material. From business launch to management and development of your TMC pilot franchise unit(s) and subsequently to your sub franchise network.
* The opportunity to form part of a franchise system as a Master Franchisee with a consistently successful track record in the UK.
* The opportunity to become a Sub Franchisor establishing your own sub franchise network.
* The benefit of utilising fully developed sets of policies and procedures honed over several years thereby reducing the risk of failure.
* Content Management Information system to help you manage your and the sub franchisees businesses.
* Accounting package
* A system that has generated continuous positive results and unique return-on-investment since 2016.
* Continuous Research and Development to develop new therapy contents or improve on existing programs and business propositions in this sector and further material design and development.
* Trialled knowledge passed on to you on how to be a Sub Franchisor recruiting, managing and developing sub franchisees.
Here at The Massage Company, we know that it is the strength and success of our strategic partners that makes all the difference. It is for this reason that we believe that your business acumen and expertise and local knowledge of your market, together with our proven system will be a formidable partnership. A winning formula for success for you and your business, as part of our business that continues to grow from strength to strength. After all our success is your success.
Investering og løbende betalinger
Franchise investering:Køb af rettighed: Entrance fee - master 150.000€
Lokaleanskaffelse: Efter aftale
Indretning, lager, biler mv.: Efter aftale
Inventar: Efter aftale
Andet: Entrance fee for yderligere franchisetagere 40.000€ med fordeling 70/30
Løbende franchise royalty: 9% Royalty med fordeling 70/30
Nødvendig egenkapital: 1.000.000 - 1.750.000 kr.
Ekstra information:
Based on our experience, we look for individuals who are successful, ambitious, energetic and motivated. Those who are comfortable in setting and achieving demanding targets for themselves, and if the business demands it, in the future for their sales teams. They will ideally have a winning way with people and come to care about this concept which improves health, well being and fitness as much as we do.
The individual qualities we look for:
A strong knowledge and awareness of the local health & fitness, well-being and massage therapy markets in the delineated territory.
Access to the financial resources to develop and then continue to support the TMC Master Franchise business on an on-going basis.
Access to relevant banking, taxation and legal matters.
A proven ability to appoint and lead a management and sales team to recruit the sub franchisees and should the need arise, to assist in sub franchisees achieving the stated objectives and ensure business success.
An astute business mind.
A strong customer service in this sector with focus to build the brand and establish its leading presence in the marketplace, differentiating it from any negative perception of cheap massage offering.
Ability to access suitable sites and develop that site into a TMC unit for owned pilots and to assist sub franchisees.
Har du hvad
der skal til?
Når du vil være franchisetager, bliver du selvstændig med din egen virksomhed. Retten til at deltage i franchisekæde, køber du af franchisegiver. Du skal have den kapital, der skal investeres og de evner, der skal til for at få succes. Derfor er det vigtigt, at du har tillid til det koncept, du vælger, og at du vurderer dig selv realistisk. Du skal samarbejde med franchisegiver om at få succes med konceptet, og I skal derfor begge være overbeviste om, at samarbejdet er det rigtige for jer begge. Franchisegiver vil derfor omhyggelig vurdere dine faglige og personlige kvalifikationer og din økonomiske situation lige så grundigt, som du bør vurdere værdien af kædens koncept.
Sådan tager du
det første skridt
Franchise er en god måde at blive selvstændig på. Når du har udvalgt den kæde eller de kæder, som du har lyst til at blive en del af, bør du kontakte franchisegiver og bede om flere oplysninger og franchisetilbuddet og franchisegivers virksomhed. Det gør du bedst ved at udfylde kontaktformularen på konceptets informationsside. At bede om oplysninger forpligter dig ikke, men er nødvendigt og naturligt når du vil vide mere. Det afgørende er at vælge den franchisekæde, der er rigtig for dig. Når valget er godt får du adgang til et gennemprøvet koncept og en kæde med kolleger og samarbejde med franchisegiver, som kan hjælpe og bistå dig i den daglige udvikling.